Calculation tool and quick sanity check.
Using this online voltage drop calculator , which is one of several linked in sticky post in SolarPanelTalk and in some moderators' signatures, I get the voltage drop for a total of 40 ft. of 18ga copper carrying 3.6 amps as 1.2 volts. That is not too bad. If you only use 10 ft. it will be only .6 volts.
A total of two 4 foot pieces of wire for 8 ft. inside the panel will drop .2 volts.
Now your 14ga wire could go a 50 foot distance (with two wires) and only drop 1.1 volts. Put your money and effort into large wire where it pays off, and use what fits best and costs less for the rest.
Using this online voltage drop calculator , which is one of several linked in sticky post in SolarPanelTalk and in some moderators' signatures, I get the voltage drop for a total of 40 ft. of 18ga copper carrying 3.6 amps as 1.2 volts. That is not too bad. If you only use 10 ft. it will be only .6 volts.
A total of two 4 foot pieces of wire for 8 ft. inside the panel will drop .2 volts.
Now your 14ga wire could go a 50 foot distance (with two wires) and only drop 1.1 volts. Put your money and effort into large wire where it pays off, and use what fits best and costs less for the rest.