I started building my own panels and trust me it is not that fun but can be done. First off the cells are super easy to break. You need a super stead hand for the soldering plus a good soldering gun. You need allot of time. (not a few minute job) Last of after you get the cells together you need to make them water tight and protect them from outdoor elements. My recommendation is if you want to try this buy yourself a small kit first to test it out. don't do the mistake i did and order a huge bulk lot of cells. I'm gonna pay extra and order the built ones.
I started building my own panels and trust me it is not that fun but can be done. First off the cells are super easy to break. You need a super stead hand for the soldering plus a good soldering gun. You need allot of time. (not a few minute job) Last of after you get the cells together you need to make them water tight and protect them from outdoor elements. My recommendation is if you want to try this buy yourself a small kit first to test it out. don't do the mistake i did and order a huge bulk lot of cells. I'm gonna pay extra and order the built ones.