Are DIY Solar Panels Worth it?

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  • rhjames
    Originally posted by noeladdison
    I don't think government subsidies and incentives will end that soon.
    I just live in hope. Costs to support these subsidies are crippling.

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  • john p
    If I was in charge Heaven help us, BUT all solar rebates and incentives would be gone..
    Governments should NOT be supporting private industries that cant keep them selves in business.

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  • Mike90250
    Some governments are running out of cash, and when the surpluses are gone, so are the frills/incentives

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  • noeladdison
    Originally posted by Sunking
    And coming to an end very soon thank God.
    I don't think government subsidies and incentives will end that soon.

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  • russ
    Originally posted by badley
    .. far as prices coming down i wouldnt count on it in this economy. One thing is evident to me, and its only a personal view, but they dont want you to be self sufficient so i wouldnt count on 'free energy to the masses' ... ever. They will likely also regulate other things in the near future pertaining to self sufficiency like growing your own vegetable garden ect. Im more optimistic on panels though, and if a system is large enough to have alittle extra, even if a panel or two fails in your life-time you wont be out of business ..
    Totally off base - 'they' have little and no interest in what you are carrying on about.

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  • Sunking
    Originally posted by rhjames
    Of course, there's the possibility that prices will come down to the level where they are cost effective, but I think there's a long way to go yet.
    Not much room left for them to go down. The reason you are seeing prices so low now if the market is over saturated with sales slowing down. Many of the manufactures are near bankruptcy and selling panels at a discount or below cost. Like any product inflation will be applied as time goes on and prices will go up.

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  • badley
    .. far as prices coming down i wouldnt count on it in this economy. One thing is evident to me, and its only a personal view, but they dont want you to be self sufficient so i wouldnt count on 'free energy to the masses' ... ever. They will likely also regulate other things in the near future pertaining to self sufficiency like growing your own vegetable garden ect. Im more optimistic on panels though, and if a system is large enough to have alittle extra, even if a panel or two fails in your life-time you wont be out of business ..

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  • rhjames
    Sunking - thanks for the stats, and excellent warning on warranty. I think, as panels fail, and homeowners have to pay full price (no government subsidy) to replace them, it just won't happen. I'm tipping that within 15 years, there'll be a lot of dead solar systems on people roofs. Of course, there's the possibility that prices will come down to the level where they are cost effective, but I think there's a long way to go yet.

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  • Sunking
    Originally posted by rhjames
    I wonder how many would perform that well. Based on advertising of guarantees, I would expect at least 95% of those recently installed, to be operational after 25 years,
    I do not think so based on my experience with over 2000 panels installed. Failure rate is arounf 8% in the first 5 years

    But there is a catch to the warranties. Look at all of them and they say something like 2/10/20.

    2 years workmanship complete failure like a seal rupturing and moisture entering causing the panel to completely fail.

    10 years @ 90% rated output

    20 years @ 80% rated output.

    So which warranty applies in the 3rd year if the panel fails?

    None of them, it is your problem. The 2 year workmanship warranty expired.

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  • rhjames
    Originally posted by Mike90250
    panels factory built 40 years ago, have been measured to be 70% of original power. Wish I had the link to the article I read, but they do last when built right.
    I wonder how many would perform that well. Based on advertising of guarantees, I would expect at least 95% of those recently installed, to be operational after 25 years, but I question whether this has been properly evaluated. Have you seen any data on this?

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  • Mike90250
    panels factory built 40 years ago, have been measured to be 70% of original power. Wish I had the link to the article I read, but they do last when built right.

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  • Sunking
    Originally posted by noeladdison
    If they are worrying about the expensive cost of installing Photovoltaic cells at you home or your business don't worry government is now offering incentives and subsidies to those people who wants to install solar power to their home.
    And coming to an end very soon thank God.

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  • russ
    Originally posted by noeladdison
    don't worry government is now offering incentives and subsidies to those people who wants to install solar power to their home.
    Not only tax money but borrowed tax money - borrowed from the Chinese if they are still willing.

    The administration and the DOE is spending money like a drunken sailor (and just about as intelligently) right now. Every day or two I read another press release from the DOE about where more money is going and how wonderful they are for doing such a thing.

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  • rhjames
    Originally posted by noeladdison
    Nice post! People should realize that seeking the help of the professional solar company is more advantageous than doing it by themselves. If they are worrying about the expensive cost of installing Photovoltaic cells at you home or your business don't worry government is now offering incentives and subsidies to those people who wants to install solar power to their home.
    The problem with government subsidy is that it's paid for out of our taxes. One way or the other, we (and our neighbours) pay for very expensive electricity. I looked at it, and out of all conscience, I couldn't do it. You say "don't worry", but half our recent electricity costs in Australia have gone towards the government subsidy for solar systems.

    We hear of schools and community centres installing solar, and people get excited, but we're never told the real cost to tax payers. If they knew the real cost out of their pockets, they'd be horrified.

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  • noeladdison
    Nice post! People should realize that seeking the help of the professional solar company is more advantageous than doing it by themselves. If they are worrying about the expensive cost of installing Photovoltaic cells at you home or your business don't worry government is now offering incentives and subsidies to those people who wants to install solar power to their home.
    Last edited by russ; 08-17-2011, 06:55 AM. Reason: removed link

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