Need input for a Solar system for my house.

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  • TundraLu
    • Oct 2017
    • 51


    Need input for a Solar system for my house.

    Hi ,

    I have been working on reducing my energy usage over the past 5 years in my house. I have reduced my usage from 250 a month to now 110 a month on hot summer months. I am looking for help in designing a PV system for my primary residence. My house roof is tricky since it is 2 story and a HIP roof with looks like limited space. I have Neurio installed for 2 years now and I am excited to have reduced my electricity usage substantially by installing LED bulbs everywhere. A 22 SEER Heat Pump DC driven Inverted Heat Pump, Double pane PPG windows. etc..

    Ok so I have used the PV calculator and it seems I can get away with a 7KW system. I was thinking of starting on my garage and expanding to the higher part of the roof. I will add a pic if any solar gurus can help me. So far I have researched 300W 60 Solar panels since they are 66" by 40". Looking at my roof it looks like I need to use the least space using panels.
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    Last edited by TundraLu; 10-24-2017, 11:25 PM.
  • J.P.M.
    Solar Fanatic
    • Aug 2013
    • 14997

    Download and read "Solar Power Your Home for Dummies", free on the net for a slightly outdated version on the net, or $20 for an updated hardcopy at bookstores or Amazon.

    What are the units of your 250 and 110/month usage ? kWh, or currency, or something else ?

    Assuming tou are on an electrical grid, do you have net metering available ?

    Which PV calculator are you referring to ? PVWatts ?

    Where are you located on planet earth ?

    If roof space is limited, there is always ground mounting. Besides, a 100 % offset of an electrical bill is not necessarily the most cost effective way to proceed. PV system sizing is more than all or nothing and a lot more than simply throwing panels at a roof. I'd respectfully suggest starting with the book, being deliberate and learning a lot more about what's required before buying anything.

    Congrads on the lower energy usage and conservation efforts before PV. Most folks do it exactly backwards backwards and few, if any, attain that much reduction. Nicely done.

    Welcome to the neighborhood and the forum of few(er) illusions.


    • TundraLu
      • Oct 2017
      • 51

      Originally posted by J.P.M.
      Download and read "Solar Power Your Home for Dummies", free on the net for a slightly outdated version on the net, or $20 for an updated hardcopy at bookstores or Amazon. Buying the ebook on Amazon right now. Thanks

      What are the units of your 250 and 110/month usage ? kWh, or currency, or something else ? I am using between 800-1000 KW per month

      Assuming tou are on an electrical grid, do you have net metering available ? Yes i do in my area as a person in my neighborhood is currently doing it with a 5KW system.

      Which PV calculator are you referring to ? PVWatts ? Correct.

      Where are you located on planet earth ? Land o lakes FL 34639

      If roof space is limited, there is always ground mounting. Besides, a 100 % offset of an electrical bill is not necessarily the most cost effective way to proceed. PV system sizing is more than all or nothing and a lot more than simply throwing panels at a roof. I'd respectfully suggest starting with the book, being deliberate and learning a lot more about what's required before buying anything.

      Congrads on the lower energy usage and conservation efforts before PV. Most folks do it exactly backwards backwards and few, if any, attain that much reduction. Nicely done. Thank you and yes i have been reducing energy costs over the years. At this point i wanted to go solar to reduce my monthly to almost nothing.

      Welcome to the neighborhood and the forum of few(er) illusions.

      Responses are in red.
      Last edited by TundraLu; 10-25-2017, 12:17 AM.


      • J.P.M.
        Solar Fanatic
        • Aug 2013
        • 14997

        Originally posted by TundraLu

        Responses are in red.
        The more you learn about solar energy and its applications - and its limitations - before you commit time and money to a project, the better prepared you will be to avoid scammers. Any system that results from your learning efforts will be better designed and perhaps more cost effective.

        Knowledge is power. Get more knowledge and use the power it enables to avoid the ripoffs and con artists who separate fools from their assets.

        While you're at it, if getting the most cost effective PV size is important, learning in some detail how your power company (your "POCO") bills you for what you use is a very powerful and necessary too. A boring and often a cryptic PITA task, but necessary.

        While offsetting an entire bill is certainly a choice and it may feel good, and to reiterate, it may not be the most cost effective way to go. Assuming so or not understanding if/why may cost assets you need not spend. Knowledge is again power.

        One thing you will learn along the way is that PV is probably the least cost effective way to reduce an electric bill. Sounds as if you've done a lot of the more cost effective stuff already. Again nicely done.
        Last edited by J.P.M.; 10-25-2017, 08:59 AM.

