Hey everyone, so I acquired what I believe to be a just a single solar cell, but I am unsure of the type, age, or really anything about it. I am used to seeing typical fragile crystalline solar cells, but new to anything like this cell. This cell is an ovonic solar cell, is about 12" x 12", very thin and relatively flexible. The backing is a thin metal sheet. There are no labels on the cell. It also uses copper for the tabbing. I would like to use this cell for something, but unsure of what to expect or even identifying it besides the name on the name plate. This cell is currently in a picture frame that looks to have come out of someones office as a display piece. There are also no solder spots on the back and the copper tabbing touches the outside metal edge. How would you go about connecting a positive and a negative lead to this thing? Any help would be appreciated. Sorry if I have left out any details, I'm still relatively new to solar cells.
Thank you!
Thank you!