Solar LED Lamp DIY

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    Solar LED Lamp DIY

    First off. I didnt make the Solar LED. I bought the thing for 15 dollars off Ebay. It has pretty good light.
    I made the rest of the stand for the light. With cupholders for pens and such made from toilet cardboard and slapped on a solar Calculator.
    Next will find a clock to also strap on the thing.
    Its a work light I suppose for at night. Desk lamp should provide at least 8hrs of bright light. But probably less than that since it will be used in house. I think it gets nearly 4 hrs of bright light inside. Enough light for what I need to do.
    I probably will make a better button so I can switch on and Off. and a Shutter to block the light during the day from hitting the cell So the photo-resistor wont enable/

    Other than that took me few hours to make with bamboo sticks and hot glue.
    I try looking on the internet for kewl solar lamps. And Im not impressed with much or im not looking in right place.
    I like this one because its high powered and isnt tiny and crap lighting lol.
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    Another Soar LED Lightbox


    • SunEagle
      Super Moderator
      • Oct 2012
      • 15152

      Pretty cool looking Lightbox. Did you do the leaded glass part?


      • Guest

        Thanks buddy. Them are just colored transparency that i picked up at local dollar store. I had to call the manufaturer and ask if they had different colors, They dont makem anymore they told me.

        The White and blue are just pieces I cut out from 4L jugs. And painted them with some blue.

        I hope to sell them eventually when I have 10 or so made.
        Im thinking 50 bucks for one including the solar LED.
        The rest were made from bamboo sticks and glue from dollar store.

        I also bought reflective sheets, and that is helping bounce light.

