You said it was physically impossible for my panel to charge even a watch battery. Turns out it isn't physically impossible at all. 
2500mAh/0.17A = 14.7 hrs =/= inf. They'll charge. You said it was impossible for them to charge. It obviously isn't. 10W panel: 2500mAh/580mA = 4.3 hrs =/= 1 day. Even if you start adding in losses, it does not come up to a day.
Anyway, this has been fun. Time to figure out how to kill the notifications.

2500mAh/0.17A = 14.7 hrs =/= inf. They'll charge. You said it was impossible for them to charge. It obviously isn't. 10W panel: 2500mAh/580mA = 4.3 hrs =/= 1 day. Even if you start adding in losses, it does not come up to a day.
Anyway, this has been fun. Time to figure out how to kill the notifications.