This is pretty impressive. Why don't you start a business with this? IDK if someone asked you this question or you already mentioned it in the forum...
Jesses DIY panel
2 years no leaks !!
Hi guys,
Two years in the field, they are still holding strong. Much to my delight, two years ago these DIY were worth it, today with prices having dropped Id be hard pressed to make more, but it was fun and will be interesting to see how they pan out. Ill post yearly updates for those interested hopefully some photos as we go.Comment
Well 8 years later and 3 out of the five panels are still pushing out some poweramazingly it was the crappy painted backing panels that lasted the longest. Rather than full silicone covered cells I simply painted them with house paint lol. They must have dissipated heat better on the back. Either way I'm amazed they held up
one panel even has leaks and still pushes a measly 20w lol. Fun project at the time when panels were still fairly expensive. Nowadays they care cheap as.
Great! Out of my experiences came only one panel that had potential, but haven't found an
application for one that small. It ought to be checked again now at 4 years. Bruce RoeComment