Hi all i finally got my 45A MPPT Charge controller...I have 1 question. I am connecting two 125AH sealed AGM batteries to the CC and i have an EQUALIZING option on the CC. Should i enable the equalizing feature IF the batteries im using are sealed AGM?
Morningstart MPPT TS45 45A MPPT Charge Controller Questions
Generally speaking you do not EQ an AGM. Some AGM do allow what they call a Conditioning Charge which is a fancy word for Equalize when the battery has capacity loss, but rarely ever applied. But only time one would ever apply a higher voltage is Initially when first put into service. Consult your battery manufacture Owners Manual and do not do what anyone on the web tells you to do. .MSEE, PEComment
Generally speaking you do not EQ an AGM. Some AGM do allow what they call a Conditioning Charge which is a fancy word for Equalize when the battery has capacity loss, but rarely ever applied. But only time one would ever apply a higher voltage is Initially when first put into service. Consult your battery manufacture Owners Manual and do not do what anyone on the web tells you to do. .
No mention in the manual about Equalizing/Conditioning Charge. I am going to send them an email to see what they say.Comment
IMHO that can only mean no EQ. Only a couple of manufactures recommend it, and those that do is a last resort to try to save a dead battery. Sort of like putting someone on life support in a Coma with no chance of reviving or waking up.MSEE, PEComment