I have my solar panels wired parallel, individually they produce 4.5v, 1.5w, and 334mA. I'll connect the positive wire to an DPST switch which will also be wire to the positive wire from my battery pack. Then will directly connect the negative wires of both. There is a diode on the positive wire to prevent back flow. Next I want the option to charge my batteries through a wall charger when necessary. So I plan to also wire the positive wire from the battery pack to another DPST switch in the same way I wired the last one (there is a diode here as well), with the only difference being the positive and negative wires will come from a port to plug in some sort of wall charger (what's the best charger type for this and do I need some sort of regulater on this so it doesn't send too much current to the batteries?). Lastly, I plan to wire the positive wire of the battery to another DPST switch (diode here as well) which will be connected to a USB port that will regulate the flow to my phone.
So, my questions are: first, will this work? Am I missing any necessary parts? Can I have so many connections to the positive and negative of the batteries? I'd also like to wire small LED lights to turn on when switch is on, how do I do that? And will the two solar panels produce enough power to charge the batteries?
I appreciate any help that you can provide.
My batteries are 4 AA batteries with 1.2v and 2500mAh individually.
So, my questions are: first, will this work? Am I missing any necessary parts? Can I have so many connections to the positive and negative of the batteries? I'd also like to wire small LED lights to turn on when switch is on, how do I do that? And will the two solar panels produce enough power to charge the batteries?
I appreciate any help that you can provide.
My batteries are 4 AA batteries with 1.2v and 2500mAh individually.