I have a cabin in the mountains that I solarized a few years ago. The system consists of 2 pairs of panels totaling 310 watts/RV controller/6 trojan 6 volt batteries/1750 'go power' inverter which is wired into the cabin fuse box. My only other source of electricity is propane generator that I rarely use. The system only operates LED lights (I think they are all 4 watts & we are careful about only using lights as needed); satellite radio boom box; charging iPhones & iPods; charging Bose boom box and occasional iMac computer. Morning sun on the panels begins about 10am and ends about 3pm this time of year. My battery voltage is dropping by early afternoon to 11.8 and by bedtime is down to 11.4 or so. I don't know if I need more battery storage or more panels to charge the existing batteries faster and more completely. Any advise would be much appreciated.
Second question; how does one determine if a solar panel is working at peak capacity?
Thanks in advance,
Second question; how does one determine if a solar panel is working at peak capacity?
Thanks in advance,