Sorry in advance for my retarded newbie self. Volts, Watts, Amps, etc are greek to my brain, although I'm slowly starting to wrap my head around it all. I'm trying to get some hands on experience with solar and I have plans to eventually have a hunting cabin that is completely off the grid (out of necessity due to desired placement on my property). For fun, I picked up one of these to play with thinking it might be a viable option for charging a few things. Instead I've found it's an option to charge a single thing throughout the course of the day. I have several sets of good rechargeable batteries, but the panel is good to charge up about one and a half sets a day on average. I need more juice (and more battery for that matter).
I'm certainly not tied to Goal Zero. I know it's over priced per watt and I'd like to explore the possibility of building something like this: with a little more capacity in a smaller form factor, powered by a foldable panel that can charge stuff like two or three smart phones, my garmin rhino and a laptop (DC charging for the laptop). I should clarify, I don't need to charge all that stuff throughout the course of a day, but solid laptop charging as an option would be awesome. I spend a lot of time on the road, so panel is something I could literally leave in the windshield of the car and the rest of the system in the floorboard when not at my property.
I've searched the web for some kind of plans, forum threads, etc where others have done similar things and I either suck at searching or my idea just isn't out there. I certainly don't want things spoonfed to me. I know it's annoying, but does anyone have any ideas for where I can start at? Thanks for any suggestions!
I'm certainly not tied to Goal Zero. I know it's over priced per watt and I'd like to explore the possibility of building something like this: with a little more capacity in a smaller form factor, powered by a foldable panel that can charge stuff like two or three smart phones, my garmin rhino and a laptop (DC charging for the laptop). I should clarify, I don't need to charge all that stuff throughout the course of a day, but solid laptop charging as an option would be awesome. I spend a lot of time on the road, so panel is something I could literally leave in the windshield of the car and the rest of the system in the floorboard when not at my property.
I've searched the web for some kind of plans, forum threads, etc where others have done similar things and I either suck at searching or my idea just isn't out there. I certainly don't want things spoonfed to me. I know it's annoying, but does anyone have any ideas for where I can start at? Thanks for any suggestions!